by perchlorate | Sep 1, 2022 | Perchlorate and Health
No. The National Academy of Sciences has confirmed it is unlikely perchlorate causes cancer. Numerous studies have shown NO evidence that perchlorate causes cancer in humans, even when consumed at levels far higher than any found in drinking water. The State of...
by perchlorate | Sep 1, 2022 | Perchlorate and Health
In more than 60 years if study, no research has shown perchlorate causes adverse health effects. Theorectically, a sequence of three events would be required for perchlorate to have a potential adverse effect on health, each requiring higher doses. First, perchlorate...
by perchlorate | Sep 1, 2022 | Perchlorate and Health
The NAS Committee stated “it is unlikely that perchlorate poses a risk of cancer in humans.” (See page 145 of the NAS report, “Health Implications of Perchlorate Ingestion.”) “There are no reports of the appearance of a new thyroid...