NAS Report Provides Much Needed Guidance for Perchlorate Standards

Washington, DC – The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) report on perchlorate is a long-awaited tool that will help policymakers set responsible standards, based on the best available science, which protect public health and best apply limited public resources. It’s now the job of policymakers to determine how this information can best be used.

At this point, only NAS knows what the full content of its 192-page report recommends. What’s required now is careful review of the report to fully understand it and determine how the information can benefit the standard-setting process. It’s been critical since the beginning to get the science right on this issue. That’s the only way to ensure public health is protected and to ensure public resources aren’t unnecessarily diverted from pressing environmental and health needs.

We should all appreciate the work of the NAS. The knowledge base on perchlorate is enormous, primarily because of its 50-year history of use as a medicine. For nearly two years NAS has been reviewing this data, as well as the most recent studies and data, to prepare this report.

To view the full report, please visit: