by perchlorate | Sep 1, 2022 | Science
Perchlorate is being contained, removed and treated at sites where it has been used for manufacturing. New state-of-the-art technologies for removing perchlorate from water have been developed and put to use. Others are being developed or refined.
by perchlorate | Sep 1, 2022 | Science
RfD is defined by the EPA as, “an estimate of a daily oral exposure to the human population (including sensitive subgroups such as children) that is not likely to cause harmful effects during a lifetime.” See the definition of reference dose on the EPA...
by perchlorate | Sep 1, 2022 | Science
Typically, EPA derives an RfD by starting with the highest dose at which no adverse effects can be observed (the No Observed Adverse Effect Level, or NOAEL). Learn more abou how the U.S. EPA sets RfD» It is unprecedented to use the level at which no effect, even a...
by perchlorate | Sep 1, 2022 | Perchlorate Basics
Yes. In the 1950s perchlorate was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as a safe and effective medication to treat people with overactive thyroid glands. While it has been replaced in the U.S. with newer medications (partly because enormous doses were...
by perchlorate | Sep 1, 2022 | About Perchlorate in Water
There are currently two major technologies in use for perchlorate removal. Ion Exchange Technology uses a resin to absorb perchlorate and remove it from water, affording the opportunity for safe and appropriate disposal of perchlorate. Biological treatment is a...