Learn more about perchlorate by exploring the following releases from the Perchlorate Information Bureau.
California PHG for Perchlorate Diverges from National Academy of Science Recommendations; State Shows No Additional Health Benefits in Lower Health Goal Number
It’s unfortunate the Cal/EPA announcement of a PHG of 6 parts per billion (ppb) for perchlorate does not fully reflect the conclusions of an expert panel on perchlorate convened by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS). Most disappointing is that the state, in moving...
California PHG for Perchlorate Diverges from National Academy of Science Recommendations; State Shows No Additional Health Benefits in Lower Health Goal Number
It’s unfortunate the Cal/EPA announcement of a PHG of 6 parts per billion (ppb) for perchlorate does not fully reflect the conclusions of an expert panel on perchlorate convened by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS). Most disappointing is that the state, in moving...
News Alert: Report on Perchlorate Distorts Relevance of Scientific Findings
A report released on Feb. 23 from Texas Tech University on perchlorate in breast milk created the false impression that nursing mothers and their infants were at immediate risk and that sensitive populations hadn't been considered by the nation's leading experts on...
NAS Report Provides Much Needed Guidance for Perchlorate Standards
Washington, DC - The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) report on perchlorate is a long-awaited tool that will help policymakers set responsible standards, based on the best available science, which protect public health and best apply limited public resources. It's...
Thyroid Association Release on Perchlorate Studies
American Thyroid Association news release headlined "Various Levels of Perchlorate Exposure Found Not To Be Harmful to Newborns, Pregnant Women and Other Adults" discusses three studies presented at the 76th Annual Meeting of the American Thyroid Association....
Editors Note: Urgent News Important Corrections Regarding Milk Press Coverage
The recent "report" on perchlorate and milk contains serious mistakes that unfortunately have been repeated in subsequent press coverage. Example 1: The report states that "The average perchlorate level in milk tested by the state, 5.8 ppb, is essentially the same as...
Perchlorate in Milk Already Considered in California’s Public Health Goal
Extremely low levels of perchlorate that may be present in some milk are far below levels that could cause any kind of adverse health effect. Reports of perchlorate being detected in milk are in fact not new as evidenced by the State of California's Public Health Goal...
UC Irvine panel: Perchlorate may be safer than thought
A new report issued from the University of California Irvine Urban Water Research Center (UWRC) states perchlorate in drinking water poses no additional risks to healthy people, even at significantly higher levels than recommended by the state's leading health...
Additional Human Health Studies on Perchlorate Unveiled
Woods Hole, MA - New research on the effects of perchlorate on pregnant women, infants and adults was presented to a special panel of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) yesterday, with preliminary findings suggesting that perchlorate levels ranging from non-detect...
Flaws in Massachusetts Perchlorate Science Revealed
The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MDEP) recently released its perchlorate toxicological profile and health assessment. According to at least one researcher, there are some serious errors in MDEP's assessment, especially in regards to its review...